Is this the biggest lie in HR?
It’s time to stop making excuses about your turnover problem. Research shows that average employee tenure is rising rather than falling. Let’s blow up the rising turnover myth There’s barely a week goes by where I don’t read something about rising turnover rates. You know the story. Turnover is rising. Retention is falling. It’s all […]
Why you need to unblock Facebook: Performance management and social media
At Cognology I talk to a LOT of Australian companies about best practice performance management. These conversations include the 250+ organisations using our talent management software. But they also cover a broad range of Australian HR professionals, consultants and executives. Through these conversations, I get a good feel for the performance issues that are keeping […]
What does “tour of duty” employment mean for HR?
There’s been a lot published over the last week on “tour of duty” employment. The noise is coming from the publication of a new book by Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha and Chris Yeh called The Alliance. So, what does a tour of duty means in the context of the employment relationship? The crux of the […]
How to waste $41 billion dollars on performance management
My open letter to Bill Morrow, recently appointed CEO of the National Broadband Network Dear Bill, Congratulations on your recent appointment as CEO of NBN. It’s a big job, even with your history of telecom turnarounds. I read with interest the article in The Australian about your plans to fix the cultural problems at NBN. […]
Talent management and the looming workforce crisis
The elephant in the room There’s an elephant in the room. But don’t worry. The experts say it’s not going to get temperamental for 10 years or so. That’s my three sentence summary of “The Global Workforce Crisis: $10 Trillion at Risk”. The report was just released by Boston Consulting Group (you can read the […]
How to identify skill gaps
Imagine you are running a women’s fashion business. You’ve focussed your product line on flattering dresses and managed to build a great brand name by getting those products right. You’ve done so well in fact, you’re ready to expand. Being an adventurous sort of person you decide to do something different, actually a lot different. […]
Do organisations still use Position Descriptions?
Some years ago it wasn’t uncommon to find organisations where performance reviews were done by evaluating people against the Position Description for their role. In my experience very few are doing this now. I’m specifically referring to the traditional Position Description that provided an overview of the role and some of the inherent responsibilities, but […]